Service Needs

Reference No.



Implementation of Food Coding System

Business Needs / Challenges

To develop an online computer system to facilitate food traders to enquire the food codes of import food items in anticipation of the requirement for traders to provide food codes upon implementation of Trade Single Window (TSW).
There is no food classification or coding system for use by food importers to classify food systematically for the purpose of data collection for food safety control. Without a coding system to facilitate classification of the food by back-end system, it would be difficult to use data collected for food safety analysis and risk profiling.

Application Areas


Expected Outcomes

The following functions are expected:
i. Form a centralized electronic database to store the food classification and coding for import food control and for shared use of data among the relevant IT systems;
ii. Build an on-line application to maintain the food classification and coding; and
iii. Build an on-line tool and search engine with pre-defined rules to facilitate the food importers and users to select the appropriate food codes.

Technologies to be Used

Data Analytics

Robotic Process Automation